Page 172 - 2019-安寧專刊
P. 172

 7月5日 Jul.5
7月 Jun.
於國防醫學中心辦理 104 年度 會員大會暨學術研討會
Annual general meeting and Conference in Palliative medicine at NDMC.
The ninth TAHPM Board of Directors was established, reelecting Dr. Shih-Tzu Tsai as the President.
本學會第九屆理監事會成立, 蔡世滋醫師連任理事長。
According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, in an investigation of 80 countries, Taiwan ranked sixth in the second edition of the Quality of Death Index and first among the countries of Asia.
英 國「 經 濟 學 人 智 庫 」
 (Economist Intelligence 10月 Unit)公布第二次臨終病人死
亡 品 質(Quality of Death) 全球 80 個國家調查,台灣排名 第 6,居亞洲之首。
 10 月 Oct.
西元 2016 年
TAHPM was awarded by the Ministry of the Interior as a National Outstanding Civil Organization in 2014.
本學會獲內政部評定為一○三年 度全國性社會暨職業團體甲等。
 大醫學院合作辦理「安寧領航 6月25日 者-台日韓安寧領導與管理學
1 月 16 日 Jan.16
總統華總一義字第 10400154061 號令制定公布「病人自主
The Patient Self-Determination Act was promulgated by Presidential Order Hua Chung (1) Yi Tze No. 10400154061 and will take effect three years after promulgation.
Collaborated with the Hospice Foundation of Taiwan, College of Medicine of NTH, TAHPM held a conference “Leading Hospice care, Conference in leadership and management in the JKT (Japan, Korea and Taiwan) area”
Chapter 6

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