Page 162 - 2019-安寧專刊
P. 162

台灣安寧緩和醫學學會大事紀(1999 年 - 迄今) History Timeline of Taiwan Academy of Hospice Palliative
Medicine(1999 till now)
 西元 1999 年
2 月 Feb.
   4 月 24 日 Apr.24
5月6日 May.6
5 月 29 日 May.29
6月 Jun.
西元 2000 年
The first preparatory meeting was held and named the society as “Taiwan Academy of Palliative Medicine”
Application for establishment of a professional society in hospice palliative medicine.
Application for establishment of a professional society in hospice palliative medicine.
籌備會成立,並修訂本會名稱 「台灣緩和醫學學會」
申請成立安寧療護暨緩和醫學 專業社會團體
本學會於台北縣淡水鎮成立, 舉行成立大會
Taiwan Academy of Hospice Palliative Medicine was established in Tamsui, Taipei Country.
Dr. Enoch Yuen–Liang Lai was elected President of the first Board of Directors of TAHPM.
6 月 7 日 Jun.
總統(89)華總一義字第 8900135080 號令制定公布「安寧
The Hospice Palliative Care Act was promulgated by Presidential Order, and became effective upon promulgation.
Chapter 6

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