Page 163 - 2019-安寧專刊
P. 163

  7月 Jul.
「安寧療護整合性照護納入全民 健康保險給付試辦計畫」實施。
The Program to Including Integrated Hospice Care into National Health Insurance was implemented.
  西元 2001 年
3 月 Mar.
本學會辦理安寧緩和醫學專科醫師甄審,共 93 位醫師取得
TAHPM conducted the certification process for palliative medicine specialist, qualifying 93 doctors as Specialists in Palliative Medicine (subspecialty).
 4 月 13 日 Apr.13
本學會加入亞太安寧緩和療護網 絡(The Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network, APHN)為團體會員。
行政院衛生署(90)衛署醫字 第 09600022792 號 令 訂 定 發 布「安寧緩和醫療條例施行細
TAHPM became an organization member of the Asia-Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network (APHN).
The Enforcement Rules of the Hospice Palliative Care Act were promulgated by the Ministry
of Health Order, and became effective on the same date.
The second TAHPM Board of Directors was established, reelecting Dr. Enoch Yuen-Liang Lai as the President.
The first Annual General Meeting was held in Taipei . The First Council of 20 members was appointed with Professor Tetsuo Kashiwagi as the Chairman. TAHPM' s president Dr. Enoch Lai was one of the council members.
The 2001 Asia Pacific Hospice Conference was held at Taipei International Convention Center.
 4 月 25 日
Apr.25 則」,並自發布日起施行。
 5月 May.
5月1日 May.1
5 月 2~5 日 May.2-5
本學會第二屆理監事會成立, 賴允亮醫師連任理事長。
APHN 成立後首屆會員大會於 台北召開。選出第一屆 20 位理 事,並由日本柏木哲夫教授擔 任主席。本會賴允亮理事長當 選為理事。
  「2001 年亞洲暨太平洋區安寧 療護會議」於台北國際會議中 心召開。
Chapter 6

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