Page 164 - 2019-安寧專刊
P. 164

 6月 Jun.
6 月 12 日 Jun.12
9月 Sep.
開始辦理全國安寧緩和醫療遠 距視訊會議。
TAHPM held its first Nationwide Hospice Palliative Medicine Teleconference.
TAHPM was awarded by the Ministry of the Interior as a National Outstanding Civil Organization in 2000.
本學會經內政部評定為八十九 年度全國性社會及職業團體工 作評鑑甲等團體。
本學會辦理「安寧緩和醫學專 科醫師訓練醫院認定」作業, 共 12 家醫院通過認定。
TAHPM conducted accreditation for palliative medicine specialist training hospitals, certifying 12 hospitals.
     西元 2002 年
7月 Jul.
西元 2003 年
4 月 23 日 Apr.23 與中華民國安寧照顧基金會、台灣安寧照顧協會於馬偕醫院
 7月 Jul.
8月 Aug.
本學會獲內政部評定為九十一 年度全國性社會暨職業團體工 作評鑑優等團體。
TAHPM was awarded by the Ministry of the Interior as a National Outstanding Civil Organization in 2002.
The third Board of Directors was established, and Dr. Andrew Y. H. Young was elected the President.
Co-hosted a “Religious belief and Hospice care”, collaborated with the Hospice Foundation of Taiwan, the Taiwan Hospice Organization, and MacKay Memorial Hospital.
本學會經內政部評定為九十年 度全國性社會及職業團體工作 評鑑優等團體。
TAHPM was recognized by the Ministry of the Interior as a National Outstanding Civil Organization in 2001.
  3 月 6~30 日 Mar. 16~30 舉辦第一次專科醫師甄審筆試及口試
TAHPM held the first certification exam for specialists, both in written and oral tests.
 第三屆理監事改選,由楊友華 醫師榮任理事長。
Chapter 6

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