Page 166 - 2019-安寧專刊
P. 166

 10 月 19 日 Oct.19
APHN 於宜蘭羅東博愛醫院召開理事會暨會員大會,安寧緩和醫學學 會同時辦理「推動非都市化地區的安寧緩和醫療研討會」,邀請當時 的 APHN 理事 Dr. Ednin Hamzah 與 Dr. Rajagopal 進行國際安寧 療護的經驗分享與學術交流。
The Annual General Meeting and Council Meeting of the APHN were held in Yilan, Taiwan. TAHPM Co-hosted a conference “Development of Hospice Palliative care in Sub-urban and Rural Areas” in Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital, Yilan. APHN council members, Dr. Ednin Hamzah and Dr. Rajagopal were invited for speeches to share their clinical and academic experiences.
5 月 May. 本學會遷移會址至台北市中正區林森南
TAHPM office moved to current site. Address: 6F, No. 142, Linsen South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City.
本學會第五屆理監事會成立,陳慶餘醫師連任 理事長。
The fifth TAHPM Board of Directors was established, reelecting Dr. Ching-Yu Chen as the President.
     西元 2007 年
路 142 號 6 樓。
  7月 Jul.
9月 Sep.
西元 2008 年
 本學會獲內政部評定為九十五 年度全國性社會暨職業團體優 等獎。
TAHPM was awarded by the Ministry of the Interior as a National Outstanding Civil Organization in 2006.
3 月 Mar. 本學會與台灣安寧緩和護理學會開始共同舉辦「安寧緩和
TAHPM and TAHPN jointly conducted the Hospice and Palliative Care Education Training Courses.
Chapter 6

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